Photographs have always been my treasures. One of my favorite activities as a child was photographing animals on my great-grandparents' land in rural south Texas. Now that my great-grandparents are gone, I frequently think of my family's time there growing up and thumb through my old photos as my only visual memories.

I love helping others document equally memorable times in their lives. Maybe it's a newborn's hand clinging to her daddy's forefinger, a grandmother embracing her grandson, or a young woman resting her head on her fiance's shoulder. It brings me joy to know that the photos I create will be cherished as the years go on.

When I'm not behind my camera, you'll find me on a trail or in a tent. Before launching my photography business, I taught science to elementary schoolers, led teens on international journeys, and managed a team of naturalists at an outdoor school for youth. My bachelor and master degrees are from The University of Texas in lovely Austin. I  am deeply committed to supporting our public schools professionally and personally.

I am a mother to two children who are growing up too quickly for my taste. My camera is my security blanket; it ensures that I will be able to remember these incredibly fun yet incredibly challenging days of their youth.

The progression to creating my own photography business has been a natural one for me. The mixture of creativity and technicality makes both sides of my brain cheer. I love the challenge that is innate in photography. I am continually learning, and that makes me content.